woman with clear dental aligner

3 Reasons Not to Use DIY Orthodontics

added on: September 18, 2019

It seems like every day there’s a new option for patients to straighten their smiles at home or on their own with mail-order orthodontics. But are they safe? Are they effective? Are they worth the discounted prices compared to more traditional orthodontics? Your dentist in Kettering will be the first to tell you that if you or someone in your family needs a straighter smile, you should rely on professional help!

There are plenty of reasons why your smile care should always stay in the hands of a dedicated, educated, and caring professional. Here are three of the biggest reasons to avoid do-it-yourself orthodontics at home.

Reason #1 – There’s Damage to Be Done

Undergoing any orthodontic treatment should be taken seriously. You need someone in the driver’s seat who knows the route you want to take so that you can avoid an unnecessary accident down the road. The clear aligner treatments you see advertised on TV and online rely on a dental impression that you create at home. If there are any flaws or mistakes in that impression, your treatment could completely change your smile in a not-so-good way. You could have bite problems down the road, including chipping or breaking teeth.

Reason #2 – Aligners Might Not Work for You

Every person is different, and so are their smiles. There are so many ways to achieve a healthy, more confident smile thanks to all of the advancements in dentistry and orthodontics. Mail-order kits can only offer you clear aligner therapy. You’re taking a big chance on whether it’s going to work for your smile. When you see a trusted dental health professional like your Kettering dentist, they can help you choose an orthodontic solution that’s right for you. Read the reviews associated with the mail-order or DIY aligners.. some people say it made their smile and bite worse!

Reason #3 – It Could Cost You More in the Long Run

So, you’re super excited about your DIY aligner therapy. You’re saving some money by doing it all on your own. You get the kit. Make your impressions. Receive your aligners. You go through the process. Unfortunately, your teeth take a turn for the worse and the next thing you know — your bite isn’t right. If you choose DIY orthodontics, there’s a chance it could harm and not improve your smile. When that happens, you could face more costly, lengthy orthodontic treatment, or maybe even surgery. We’ll have to repair the damage that’s been done and then find the right treatment to set things straight. 

Whatever the reason you’re trying to straighten your smile, everyone at our Kettering dental office is here for you. Don’t let the ads fool you. Talk to us before doing anything to your teeth. We can find a sensible, affordable solution for patients of all ages. 

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